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Shabbat Morning Liturgy Recordings


Listen to the recordings below to learn how to pronounce the Hebrew prayers and chant.

Ashrei, p.29-30

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Shema and Ve'ahavta, p.51

Mi Chamocha, p.57

Avot v'Imahot, p. 58-59

Gevurot, p. 59-60

Kedushah, p. 60-61

Ein Kamocha, p. 75

Vayehi, p. 75

Bei Ana Rachetz, p. 77

Shema, Gadlu, & Lecha Adonai, p. 77-78

Torah Blessings, p. 79

Chatzi Kaddish, p. 82

Blessing Before the Haftarah, p. 84

Blessing After the Haftarah (Traditional), p. 84

Blessing After the Haftarah (Reconstructionist), p. 84

Yehalelu, p. 90

Eitz Chayim Hi, p. 92

Aleinu, p. 108-110

Ashrei, p. 29-30



Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784